Our Crew

Campus Support is a construction crew at Warren Wilson College in Swannanoa, NC. We are Madalyn, Connor, Alex, Frankie, Gabe, Sam, Dillon, Dan, and Nora, supervised by Doug Bradley and our contractor friend, Buzzy. This blog is about our service trip to War, WV where we volunteered with the organization Big Creek People in Action.

Spring 2011 Photos

Our crew also went to war last spring. It was a totally different group of people, and the work we did was mostly insulating. Here are some pictures from that trip!

Doug and Scottie waiting for us by the van

Silly picture before getting in the van
All of us piled in the van on the way to our jobsite

Checking out the situation under the house
Piling out of the van and ready to work! We had to wear tyvek suits, respirators and safety goggles to protect us from the insulation

Group shot wearing our tyvek suits before we all crawled under the house
It was so tight under there we couldn't even sit up. We either had to lay on our stomachs or our backs while we replaced the insulation

One of our other jobs was painting a family's kitchen and living room. This is Lilly covered in dust after priming the surface with sandpaper.